The Very Broadband Rheology Calculator

The Very Broadband Rheology (VBR) Calculator is a very flexible framework for calculating mechanical properties (e.g., viscosity, shear wave velocity, intrinsic attenuation) across the entire band of geophysical time scales from seismic wave propagation to convection, as functions of input thermodynamic state variables (e.g., temperature, pressure, melt fraction, grain size) using a wide range of experimentally derived constitutive models.


The code is free to use and expand. Read more about the background of the VBR Calculator here, or dive into using it with the installation and quick start guides or example usage.

For information on the experimental Python wrapper, check out pyVBRc.


If using the VBRc in your research, please cite the primary VBRc “methods paper”:

Havlin, C., Holtzman, B.K. and Hopper, E., 2021. Inference of thermodynamic state in the asthenosphere from anelastic properties, with applications to North American upper mantle. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 314, p.106639,

Additionally, you’re welcome to cite the software DOI directly if you would like to point your readers directly to the software (but please also cite the methods paper above):


We also encourage you to cite the underlying primary sources that developed the scaling methods implemented by the VBRc, particularly if comparing results from different methods. The relevant sources are in the above methods paper, but many are also documented in the code itself.

Funding: The VBR Calculator has been developed with funding from the following NSF grants (PI Holtzman unless otherwise noted): EAR 1736165 (Earthscope, co-PI C. Havlin), EAR 13-15254 (Geophysics, PI J. Davis), EAR 1056332 (Geophysics- CAREER).